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"Some People" by Wislawa Szymborska

Updated: Nov 9, 2021

Wislava Szymborska's poem, "Some People", creates empathy for people without choices and more specifically by '"some people" she refers to refugees. Terrorism is the global issue that correlates with the poem as through vivid imagery, Szymborska reinforces the fact of violence and suffocation. "They abandon something close to all they've got". The poet in this quote from the second stanza, utilises the verb "abandon" because she wants to emphasize the fact that the people give up their only properties to the control of higher powers. The higher powers can be assumed that are terrorists from the quote "mirrors in which fire now preens" as fire is a weapon in terrorist attacks for many decades now. The inference to this action is people abandoning their homes and properties leading to the phenomenon of the refugee crisis. Additionally, mirrors remind the reader of beauty and therefore when it says “in which fire now preens” establishes that idea that fire is taking over which is symbolic of how in war with terrorism and due to that global context, the beauty of the setting is destroyed. Terrorism is an issue throughout the world that causes fear and insecurity, violence and death. Across the globe, terrorists attack innocent people, often without warning which makes the civilians feel defenseless. This idea is developed in the fifth stanza. "Around them, some gunshots, now nearer, now further away, above them a plane seems to circle". The refugees are walking into a war zone and Szymborska by stating "around them" conveys the impression of them feeling suffocated and surrounded by the gunshots. They sense the plane above them as a threat which suggests the idea that they feel helpless when they have to face terrorism. Terrorism is therefore painted in the poem "Some People" as the act of violence to create general climate of fear to the population leading the the worldwide phenomenon of the refugee crisis.

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Vaughn Totterdill
Vaughn Totterdill
Sep 14, 2021

The paragraph provides insight into the struggles faced by refugees and how they're often the target of indiscriminate attack against the innocent. Its very detailed and looks at multiple stanzas in-order to effectively display the whole poems message. Its a really well done piece of work.

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